Is your company considering being an exhibitor at a future international fair together with other Norwegian companies? Does your company plan to participate in joint events related to the fair? In that case, you can apply for a grant.
A grant of up to 50% of project costs that fall under the scheme can be granted, a minimum of NOK 20,000 and a maximum of NOK 70,000 per company. This means that the company can get approved project costs of between NOK 40,000 and NOK 140,000. The company’s own share (such as equity/own funds or loans) must be at least 50% of the project costs. The individual company can be granted a grant for participation in up to three export promotions per calendar year.
On the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries’ website, you can find information about business and industry – be it policies, strategies, exports as well as white papers to the Storting (the Parliament) related to the maritime industry.
On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website, you will always find the latest updates on the Ministry’s travel advice. The travel advice is only available in Norwegian.
Innovation Norway contribute to sustainable growth and exports for Norwegian businesses through capital and expertise. On their website you will find information and advisory services related to startups, export and international investment, and various relevant courses. You will also find guidelines for the Brand Norway profile and access to The Explorer – Norway’s official marketplace for green technology. For more information, click on the links below. Some information is in Norwegian only.
Export Credit Norway helps Norwegian exporters to succeed abroad. They offer financing to buyers of Norwegian capital goods and services worldwide.
Onsager helps you secure your intangible assets (IP), also called the corporate gold. On their website you can read more about trademark registration, patent protection, design protection and how to elevate your IP into your business strategy. This website is in Norwegian only.
NHO is Norway’s largest organization for employers and the leading business lobbyist. They represent a large diversity of job creators from all over the country.
The national threat assessment informs which countries PST considers to be security threats and which will be able to engage in covert acquisition attempts.
U.S President Donald Trump has introduced and announced increased tariffs against a number of trading partners. On NHO’s website you can find questions and answers about Trump and tariffs.
Since 1995, Norwegian Maritime Exporters (NME) has served as a vital link between Norwegian maritime companies and the global markets. We are owned by our members and work globally to promote our members and the Norwegian maritime industry.
Norwegian Maritime Exporters (NME) is committed to conducting its activities in a sustainable manner. We work to reduce our own climate footprint and promote diversity in the maritime industry.