These are exciting times

Member news | 23 June 2021
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– I believe we will see huge changes and transformations in this industry in the years to come, says Tom Cantero, Managing Director of Air Products Norway.

We wanted to learn more about Tom Cantero, his thoughts on leadership and the way forward for Air Products as well as the maritime industry in a rapidly changing world. So, we have asked him some questions.

Q: What type of leader are you?
A: Informal, I have confidence in our team, try to move forward and keeping ahead of the curve.

Q: What do you find most inspiring in your job? 
A: Succeeding with the team by achieving our common goals.

Q: What future vision – related to leadership, competence development and sustainability – do you have for the company?
A: Our company will actively lead the way for safe and sustainable shipping. As an example – our products enable ships to run on new alternative clean fuels, among other useful features our customers can choose from.

NC2.1: High capacity systems, skid mounted with open frame design. One or more membrane cabinets of various sizes complement the system.

Q: What is the most important experience you have had last year during the Covid-19 pandemic? How has the pandemic affected the company and the organization?
A: Much can be said about this, but most of all it has been a major boost for finding new ways of solving issues for our customers as well as for our own organization.

Q: On a personal level, what are you most looking forward doing when the pandemic is finally over?
A: That is to finally be able to see our customers and all our friends in the maritime industry again.

Q: How do you think working life will change in the future, and how will it affect your management?
A: Technological platforms and digital tools will continue to transform the industry and allow for a remote presence, so to speak. This requires that managers are clear on the expectations of the team.

Q: What do you think about the future prospects challenges and opportunities for maritime companies and the maritime industry?
A: All I can say is that these times are very exciting, and we will continue to see huge changes and transformations in this industry in the years to come.

Q: How have you benefitted from the NME membership?
A: Well, we have our own NME-community where we can share our experiences and benefit from being part of a larger group. This will contribute to securing Norway’s position as a bright beacon in the maritime supplier industry.

Molecular separation of air

About Tom Cantero

Tom Cantero is the Managing Director of Air Products AS Norway. He started his career at the University of Agder and has a university degree in marine engineering and is a certified Chief Engineer Marine.

After working for several years as an engineer in Norwegian Cruise Line, he was employed by Moland, later Scana Electronics (today Origo Solutions), first as Area Sales Manager from 1991 till 1996, and from 1997 till 2000 Sales and Marketing Manager. In 2000, he started working for Hernis Scan Systems as Marketing Director and was also a Board Member.

In addition to being a licenced Chief Engineer with an extensive background in the maritime industry, Tom has a broad experience in international business, marine sales, application and development. In 2006, he was moving on and became President for the Swedish company Hägglund Drives in Norway (now Bosch Rexroth).

From October 2009 until today, Tom has been Managing Director of Air Products AS Norway, as well as elected Chair of the Board from October 2016.

About Air Products
Air Products Norway – Pioneering Membrane Technology Worldwide.
Air Products Norway was the first company to commercialize hollow fiber membranes for air separation onboard ships and offshore installations and is the world leader in gas separation by membranes and applies its technology in a variety of PRISM® membranes.

Hollow fibers – cross section

Today more than 15,000 gas separation systems based on our proprietary PRISM® membrane technology are in operation or under contract worldwide. The first on-site nitrogen generation plant using hollow fiber membranes onboard a ship was installed in 1984 and the first on an offshore platform in 1985. Our membranes have proven their durability for more than 30 years of use onboard ships, in refineries, petrochemical plants, gas fields, and military and civil aircrafts.

To date, Air Products Norway has delivered more than 1500 PRISM® membranes nitrogen systems on a wide variety of ship applications, and more than 220 PRISM® membranes nitrogen systems for offshore installations. All systems are manufactured and tested at our works; Made in Norway.

Read more about Air Products on:

The Christophe de Marguerie, owned by Sovcomflot, is the first LNG vessel for the Yamal LNG project, located on the Yamal Peninsula in northern Siberia. The 15 vessels in the series are built by DSME in South Korea and are distributed among 4 different shipowners. They are the first in the world with ARC-7 design, a design with strong icebreaker capabilities. The vessel has sailed several times through the Northeast Passage with cargo, through more than 2 meters thick ice, without the help of another icebreaker. The solitary journey through some of the world’s most desolate areas places high demands on the quality and reliability of the equipment on board. Air Products has delivered dual N2 generator sets to all vessels in this class.

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