Member news | 3 March 2016
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“The best innovations are those that take complex tasks and simplify them, delivering real benefits for users,” Tor Svanes says with a smile.

The NAVTOR CEO could easily be talking about smart phones, search engines or driverless cars, but in this case he’s focused on the same field as his business, maritime navigation.

“Since it’s launch in 2011, NAVTOR has dedicated itself to bringing innovations to the market that make life simpler for navigators while enhancing safety, security and efficiency for vessel owners and operators. The potential of e-navigation is huge, and we’re seizing upon that to streamline workloads and deliver information in a way that is user friendly, easily accessible and seamless.

“This is transformational technology,” he adds, “and the global market has been quick to appreciate that.”

Charting worldwide success

NAVTOR has grown rapidly from its base in Egersund, Norway, opening offices in Russia, Sweden, Japan and Singapore, and serving an international customer base that boasts of some of the biggest names in shipping.

The launch of its ENC service in 2012 laid the foundations for this success.

Compatible with all makes of ECDIS, and available on either Pay As You Sail (PAYS) or standard subscriptions, the firm pioneered the delivery of charts on a USB stick (the NavStick) with online synchronisation enabling seamless updates and chart management. Compared to both traditional paper charts and ENCs delivered on CDs, this slashes administration time and duties, greatly reduces stress, increases efficiency, and therefore saves costs. And that’s just the start of the story.

Total e-navigation package

“E-navigation goes far beyond electronic charts,” Svanes stresses. “We understand shipping and we understand our customers. By assessing their needs we have created a total e-navigation solution, providing integrated services that extend to offer options such as weather prediction, route and fuel optimisation, piracy updates, tidal information, and much more.”

As he explains, this puts the navigators, and ship operators and owners, firmly in control, connecting them to data that allows for greatly enhanced decision making. For example, optimising routes based on the latest weather information can deliver average fuel savings in the region of 4% per voyage.

“For international shipowners with global fleets,” Svanes adds, “this makes a huge difference.”

Unique portfolio

NAVTOR’s portfolio includes the NavTracker fleet management software (and app) – providing both the navigator on board and the ship management on shore with a full overview of chart usage, chart update history, vessel tracking and service management, in addition to a free three-day weather prediction service – and the NavStation, the world’s first ‘Digital Chart Table’.

This software, which is also available with an optional 46inch ‘gigapad’ touch device, gathers and overlays all the data navigators require – combining ENCs with weather data, tidal information, digital publications, and other services – on a single screen. Users can then grab, swipe and manoeuvre the layers on the giant touch pad, or access them on a standard computer screen. There is nothing else like it on the market.

A new reality

“All of our innovations have been created to benefit customers and help them tackle today’s challenges,” Svanes concludes. “We have a global industry view, but we focus on individual needs. This has helped us grow into a world leader in a small niche with the potential to advance the entire industry.

“Our message is clear: You can access the future of e-navigation today, putting your fleet on course for more efficient, safer operations around the world. It really is that simple.”

For more information on NAVTOR and all our products and services please visit

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