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Kormarine 2025 – Few spaces left

21 October - 24 October

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Join us for the Team Norway pavilion at Kormarine 2025 to gain market exposure, competitive advantage and industry insigts to the korean shipbuidling market especially and the asian maritime market in greneral.

Kormarine focuses specifically on the maritime industry, covering a wide range of sectors including shipbuilding, ship equipment, offshore engineering, marine technology and maritime services.  Kormarine has established itself as a reputable and influential event within the maritime industry over the past decades, and is the most important arena if you wish to take part in the korean maritime market.

The Team Norway Pavilion have an excellent location close to the main entrances in Hall 1 and Hall 2.

N.B! The demand for space in the Team Norway pavilion has been high and we have limited space left. 


Regular stand package:
NME members: NOK 11,995.- per sqm
Non members: NOK 13,595.- per sqm
Prices include: Footprint area, walls including print, carpet, spot lights, table
and chairs, info desk, access to common lounge area , free
coffee, tea and water during opening hours, project management and presence
from NME staff during the exhibition period.

Self builders:
NME members: NOK 6,995.- per sqm
Non members: NOK 8,295.- per sqm
Prices include: Footprint area, access to common lounge area, free coffee, tea and water during opening hours, project
management and presence from NME staff during the exhibition period.


21 October
24 October


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